Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015


SECURITY SYSTEM IN A NETWORK - In a computer network relating to applications involving various interests that will happen. Things to destabilize the computer's network connection both with regard to hardware (physical security, power resources) and related software.
Disturbances in the system can terjadikarena accidental factor by the management which is called Human error, but tidaksedikit caused by third parties.
The disorder may be vandalism, intrusion, theft of access rights, misuse of data or system, until the criminal action through the application of computer networks. In internetworking some kind of disorder known as:

1.Hacking namely, the destruction of the existing network infrastructure,
for example destruction of a server system.

2.Physing namely, falsification of the official data is done for the
relating to pemanfaataanya.

3.Deface ie, changes to the look of a website illegally.

4.Carding namely, theft of banking data against a person's identity, for example,
theft of credit card numbers, are used to capitalize the balance
contained in the account for online shopping purposes.

5.dan other terms that could lead to abuse

In the preparation of security system functions should be prepared in the form of:

1.Mengelompokkan terminal which functioned as a network controller or central access point (server) on a network, which in turn should be given special safeguards.

2. Provide physical security in the form of a special room for security
device called the number 1.Ruangan point can be given
label Network Operating Center (NOC) by limiting personnel
allowed entry.

3.Memisahkan source of electrical power to the NOC of the use of the other. It should also be functionalized Uninteruptable PowerSupply (UPS) and Stabilizer to maintain stable electricity supply required devices on the NOC.

4.Merapikan wiring room and labeling and classification of cable.

5.Memberikan Soft Security in the form of System Firewall on devices

functioned in jaringan.Merencanakan maintenance and prepare the Back Up

A firewall is one of the applications on the operating system and
required by computer networks to protect the integrity of the data / network system of
attacks the irresponsible. That is by doing
filtering of the packets that pass through.
Firewall function
� Control and supervise the flow of data packets dijaringan
� Perform authentication to access.
� Application Proxy
� Record all events in the network
Firewall is composed of some of the rules that applied both to
hardware, software or system itself with ObjectiveTo protect the network, either with
perform filtering, limit, or refuse the connection of suatupermintaan
outside network internet lainnyaseperti

How it Works Firewall
� Reject and block data packets that come berdasarkansumber and tujaun
which is not desirable.
� Refuse and filter the data packets originating from jaringanintenal to the internet.
Her example when there are network users internel akanmengakses sites
� Refuse and filter the data packets yangtidak Based desired content.
For example, an integrated firewall on a filter and antivirusakan
prevent files that have been infected with the virus that mencobamemasuki network
� Report all network activity and firewall activity.
On the firewall occurs several network memungkinkannyamelindungi process. There is
three kinds of processes that occur at the firewall, namely:
1.Modifikasi packet header is used to modify the quality of service bits before experiencing prosesrouting TCP packets.
2.Translasi network address translation occurring translation can be one to one (one to one), which is an address IPprivat unity mapped public IP address or the translation of many of unity (many to one) that some alamatIP privatdipetakan one address public.
3.Filter package, used untukmenentukan fate whether the package can be forwarded or not.

1.Packet Filtering Gateway
2.Application Layer Gateway
3.Circuit Level Gateway
4.Statefull Multilayer Inspection Firewall

Packet Filtering Gateway
Packet filtering firewall gateway can be interpreted as the bertugasmelakukan
filtering of the packets coming from outside the network yangdilindunginya.

Application Layer Gateway
The model can also be called a firewall Proxy Firewall. The mechanism is not only based on source, destination and package attributes, but can reach the content (content) of the package.

Bilakita viewed from the side layer TCP / IP, this type of firewall will perform filterisasipada application layer (Application Layer).

Circuit Level Gateway
This firewall models also work on the part of the transport layer reference model TCP / IP.Firewall this would oversee the initial TCP connection is commonly referred to as TCP Handshaking, which is a process to determine whether the connection session is allowed or not. The shape is almost the same as denganApplication Layer Gateway, only part of which is filtered lapisanyang there is no different, which is located at the Transport layer

Statefull MultilayerInspection Firewall
Model firewall is a combination of the three previous firewall. Firewall
This type will work at the Application layer, Transport and Internet.Dengan how to combine all three models include Packet Filtering Firewall Gateway, Gateway ApplicationLayer and Circuit Level Gateway, might be said of this type of firewall is a firewall that provides the most features and give the higher security level.

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